Earning passive income is one of the most favourable sources of income for a freelance designer. The only limit you have is your imagination. As designers, we can literally sell anything we can think of. There are many online marketplaces that allow you to sell...
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Everything Design & Freelance
Tips on Working from Home Without Feeling Lonely
Working from home has become increasingly common in recent years. For many people, it can also be a lonely experience. Without the regular social interactions that come with a traditional office environment, it can be easy to feel isolated and disconnected. However,...
My Top Design Books of 2022
I gave myself the challenge to read more this year. I've read more in the past year than I have over the past 10 years put together! Here is a list of my favourite design and self-improvement books I read throughout 2022. Atomic Habits by James Clear "Atomic Habits"...
How To Get Your First Job on Upwork
Upwork is a great platform for freelancers of any skill level and any industry. If you want to earn a little extra on the side then Upwork could work for you. It can also help you build up your freelance career whilst you are working full-time. Good work is rewarded...
My Logo Design Process
Having a logo design process is vital for any branding designer. It will help you keep on track and your clients will have a better understanding of the project's timeline. I have a few steps in my logo design process and each one helps me achieve my client's goals....
5 Pages Your Portfolio Website Needs
As creatives we are always tinkering with our portfolio websites and trying to improve them. So in this post I’m going to talk about some essential pages you need to add to your portfolio website if you haven’t already. I’m not going to include the obvious pages like...
Why Hire a Freelance Designer?
You should hire a freelance designer for your next project! Want to know why? Then read on. Hiring a freelance designer can have a variety of advantages for your business. Whether you have a small design project, ongoing design work or an agency with overflow work, a...
10 Tips for Working from Home Without Going Crazy
Here are a few tips for working from home without losing your mind. These tips are for any one who is just starting out with working from home or have to because of work or personal reasons. 1. Get up at a regular time You need to treat working from home as if you...
What is Woocommerce?
WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin. A plugin is an add-on for the base WordPress installation. It allows the user to create an online store on their website. It comes packed full of features and allows the user to upload products, services or digital downloads to their...